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Gender Equality and Biasing Cell

Aim: Gender Equality and Biasing Cell was constituted in 2023 by the Principal of the college as per the direction of the Director of Higher Education Haryana for implementation of a comprehensive sensitization program in educational institutions to empathy and understanding towards the transgender community.

Sensitizing the entire educational community to the challenges faced by transgender and promoting empathy and inclusivity.

 Objectives: To achieve this aim, the Cell propose the organization of expert lecture, seminar and workshop on the theme of “Gender and Society” at all level of college.

Mechanism : Planning of the activities to be organized by the Cell members. Discussion with the Principal and administration of college. Framing, displaying and circulation of pamphlet/notice boards/ face-book page of the college. Organization of activities/event. Formation of Report. Records maintenance in activity register.

List of Activities and Reports

Gender Equality and Biasing Cell 2023-24

Committee members

Convenor : Dr Reecha

Members : Ms. Simran

                    Ms. Annu

Students Representative :

Parul, 5901