English Literary Society screened a movie based on eminent writer Raja Rao’s famous novel ‘Kanthapura’.

The novel is based on Indian Freedom Struggle where in Mahatma Gandhi played a crucial role. Today, 30 Jan., the Martyrs’ Day, a tribute was paid to Mahatma Gandhi by showing the students what this great man’s contribution was in making India free. Kanthapura as a novel and movie mirrored the reality of colonised India and how Gandhi’s influence motivated the Indian citizens to gather and fight for their freedom. This cinematic presentation helped the students to get a better visual understanding of the novel. All the students benefited from this activity. This activity was coordinated by Mrs. Rinku Aggarwal under the guidance of Madam Principal Mrs. Rachana Arora. Head of English department, Dr. Aparna Batra was also present to guide the students along with faculty members from the department of English.