Quiz Competition Organised by Science Department on the occasion of National Science Day

Faculty of science,AMMB had organised inter-class science quiz competition on the occasion of national science day under the guidance of principal Dr.Alka Mittal. The quiz was organised to orient the students regarding recent developments in science. It encouraged the competitive spirit among students. The quiz was smoothly conducted under the supervision of Dr.Nisha Sharma, co-ordinator science and hardworking dedicated staff members of science faculty.In the screening round,there were 27 participants out which 15 students were selected to play futher rounds.
As a result
Team A(Neha, Tanu, Sonia Tanwar)got 1st position
Team E( Aarzoo,Sneha,Shashi) got 2nd position
Team C( yashasvi ,Reema, Chanchal) got 3rd position
Principal and staff mambers congratulated the winner